What is Virtual Private Server (VPS) or Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS)

After getting your Domain name you will need a web hosting provider. But you may get confused to choose the hosting plan from either shared, dedicated, virtual private or any other if you are new.

Different types of web hosting allow you to perform different levels of customization on your server. They vary in pricing, performance and the availability of the service (e.g. uptime) as well.

In shared hosting, you split the same physical server with a number of other clients of the hosting company. You don’t get dedicated resources allocated to you, as your site runs on the same operating system as everyone else’s. Shared hosting is the solution for website owners with lower traffic sites. It is the starting point of most small businesses and bloggers. 

In dedicated hosting, you rent an entire physical server for your business. If you have a high-traffic website, dedicated hosting can be the best solution for you, as dedicated servers are fast, flexible, and fully customizable.

While Virtual Private Server (VPS) is mid way between these two. A virtual private server, also called a virtual dedicated server (VDS), is a virtual server that appears to the user as a dedicated server, but that is actually installed on a computer serving multiple websites. A single computer can have several VPSs, each one with its own operating system (OS) that runs the hosting software for a particular user.

Why choose a Cloud VPS server?

Cloud VPS servers not only provide peace of mind for small to medium businesses but they also offer a robust combination of ancillary benefits:

  • Quick Resizing for Changes in Traffic Flow
  • Only Pay for What You Use
  • Host Unlimited Sites
  • Very Cost-effective
  • Contract Free Hosting
  • Multiple OS Choices Available
  • Daily Backups (via your Manage Interface)
  • SSH and Full Root Access
  • Highly Stable and Secure

Using virtualization technology, your hosting provider installs a virtual layer on top of the operating system (OS) of the server. This layer divides the server into partitions and allows each user to install their own OS and software.Therefore, a virtual private server (VPS) is both virtual and private because you have complete control.

Running a VPS lets you set up your website within a secure container with guaranteed resources (memory, disk space, CPU cores, etc.) you don’t have to share with other users.

One of the primary advantages to using a VPS, as opposed to a traditional web hosting service, is that the subscriber has full access to the VPS’s OS, with unrestricted root or administrator permissions.

Pros and Cons of VPS


  • Dedicated resources that ensure your website won’t suffer the consequences if a website on a shared hosting plan starts consuming a large amount of resources.
  • Customization options allow you to customize your OS and other aspects of your server such as server applications (e.g. Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc).
  • Control/security gives you more flexibility in respects to powering down or restarting the server. A VPS also allows you to use SSH access and there is less chance of compromised privacy.


  • Some technical ability is required to set up a VPS. This can include installing server applications, configuring user access, etc.
  • Priced higher than shared hosting. Although the VPS option is priced higher than shared hosting, it does provide you with additional features and benefits.
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